Friday, January 16, 2009


It has been awhile since my last entry and I apologize to my followers. So many things are going on here at the Miller household. After a long adventure of being snowed in and the many excitting atempts to make it out of our steep drive way we have survived and are looking towards a brighter and happier New Year. We have survived so far dodging the layoffs and hours cut back. We had niether happen to us! THANK YOU JESUS! Grayce is learning to use the potty! She is 22 months old 1 1/2 years old. She has not given up her diaper completely but has lets me know that she has to go most of the time. She was dry this morning and went in and sat on the potty and went! We all cheered! She even went potty at Wal*Mart last night. Jayson is getting bigger everyday, he changes in some way either physically or mentally every day it seems. I gotta quit blinking. It seems to make things change so fast. As for me Iam starting my own buisness Iam working with the most delicious,scentsational and last but not least ECO FRIENDLY CANDLES. One Smell these candles and I am telling you they don't smell great they make Memories play back in your mind. They are called Mia Bella Candles. They also carry soaps and lotions and all kinds of great items.
If you would like me to send you a catalog and a scent sample please email me and let me know.